Angry Birds Go! takes to the track in a bath tub

Angry Birds Go! takes to the track in a bath tub

Have you been playing Angry Birds Go!, the kart racing game on iOS and Android phones and tablets? Wesley from Family Gamer TV has, and he’s here to show us some of the craziest stuff in the game. The first of which is an insane car made out of a bath tub, with helicopter blades on top! Take a look.

There’s also some great footage of the Big Bang karts in action, and a look at the differences between the real toy karts that you can beam into the game Skylanders-style, and the virtual cars that only exist inside the game. Some of the cars are £35 each – which is as much as a new Wii U game! So make sure you know what is best for you when deciding between toy and virtual karts. Perhaps you could talk to a family member and they can help you decide.

If you loved this video, follow us on Twitter for loads more amazing stories and gameplay footage, and subscribe to Family Gamer TV on YouTube.


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