We knew that they were coming, and now we know how to spot them thanks to a full reveal from Rovio that shows off Angry Birds Transformers. Based on the awesome robots in disguise, Angry Birds Transformers will once again use the Telepods system to teleport toys into the game. And this time the toys – the Autobirds and Deceptihogs – will actually transform themselves, just like real Transformers toys. Family Gamer TV have been checking out what’s been revealed, and we have the full list of what toys will be revealed.
The toys will be available from October 1st in North America, and before Christmas here in the UK. They range from small to big in pack size, with some being just figures and others including big track sections. It looks like Angry Birds Transformers will be a lot like Angry Birds Go!.
The toy packs coming out for Angry Birds Transformers will be:
Angry Birds Transformers Telepods Racer Packs – $5.99
Autobird: Optimus Prime Bird – Red Bird
Autobird: Heatwave – Terrance
Autobird: Bumblebee Bird – Chuck
Deceptihog: Soundwave Pig
Deceptihog: Max Pig (Lockdown?)
Deceptihog: Adrian Pig (Galvatron?)
Autobird: High Octane Bumblebee – Chuck