The crazy looking sci-fi shooter Assault Android Cactus will be released on the Wii U eShop early next year. You can check out the action-heavy trailer which introduces Cactus and the team below. Assault Android Cactus is a fast-paced top-down shooter where you can play as one of four cool characters keeping gangs of evil […]
Inazuma Eleven 3 trailer hits the back of the net on 3DS
Inazuma Eleven 3 will be released soon and will tell the thrilling end of Mark Evans and the Inazuma’s story. To get you ready for the conclusion of the legend, we’ve got a new trailer for the 3DS game. The third game in the football RPG series will see some of the most exciting matches […]
Disney Infinity trailer builds it high and knocks it down
A new Disney Infinity trailer shows off the Toy Box mode and how you can build some amazing constructions, and then knock them down again. The trailer features Mike, Zerg, Davy Jones, and Venellope all causing mayhem and blowing each other’s creations up. It looks very fun, but we don’t think you should knock over […]
Rayman Legends on Vita will get missing levels
Rayman Legends on Vita is missing 28 levels! Oh no! But don’t worry, Ubisoft has confirmed that the lost levels from the Vita version will be restored through a DLC pack that will be coming soon. The Vita version of Rayman Legends doesn’t have 28 levels that are on the other console versions of the […]
Pokémon X & Y will feature Mega original starter Pokémon
If you’ve played every Pokémon from the start, this is very exciting news. The original three starter Pokémon will be able to Mega Evolve in Pokémon X and Y. As revealed in a new trailer, Mega Charizard, Mega Blastoise, and Mega Venasuar look incredible! These three new Mega Pokémon join the others we already know […]
Minecraft Xbox 360 Mash-up packs available now
If you play Minecraft on the Xbox 360, you’ve been missing out on the texture packs that PC players have been enjoying. This unfairness end now though, since the Xbox 360 version now has mash-up packs, which are very similar to the PC mods. Talking on Twitter, 4J Studios who make the Xbox 360 version […]
Pokémon X & Y 3DS XL consoles revealed
Nintendo has revealed that it will be launching a special edition version of the 3DS XL that will be Pokémon themed. The new console will come in red or blue, and will have Pokémon art work featuring Yveltal and Xerneas on the case. You can check it out below. Do you think the new 3DS design looks cool? […]
Zelda: The Wind Waker HD trailer tells the story
If you didnt play the classic The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker on Gamecube you might not be up to speed on the story. Luckily a new trailer is hear to introduce you to this cartoon version of Hyrule and Link and Zelda. We’ve also got new screenshots so you can see how awesome […]
Minecraft Beginner’s Handbook coming soon
Minecraft is pretty awesome, but it’s also quite easy to get a bit lost. The game is so huge that sometimes you need a bit of a helping hand to say “Look, this is what you should try next!”. That helping hand is going to be in bookshops very soon, and it’s called the Minecraft […]
Next Professor Layton game will be on mobiles
The next Professor Layton game is being worked on right now, and this time it’s coming to more than just Nintendo 3DS. Layton developer Level-5 has revealed that the next game in the series will be on mobile phones too. You can see a sneaky peek at the very first footage in the video below. […]
LEGO Minifigures Online revealed, first trailer and screenshots here
Just imagine thousands of players, all working together in the same LEGO game. Wouldn’t that be cool? Well you won’t have to imagine that for much longer, because soon it will be real! LEGO Minifigures Online has just been revealed, and you can see the first trailer and screenshots right here. LEGO Minifigures Online is […]
Project Spark trailer shows community made games
Project Spark is a bit like LittleBigPlanet. You can make your own levels and then share them with your friends over the internet. But unlike LittleBigPlanet, you can make your games almost anything! This new trailer shows you just some of the possibilities… All these games were made by players of Project Spark. There’s such […]
Nintendo reveal new 2DS console
Nintendo has surprised everyone by announcing a brand new hand-held. The Nintendo 2DS is a new dual-screen console that plays both DS and 3DS games in 2D, and will be cheaper than the 3DS. It will launch on the same day as Pokémon X and Y. The Nintendo 2DS will be £109.99 (or $129.99 if […]
Just Dance Kids 2014 announced, first screenshots right here
Ubisoft has announced that they’re releasing a new Just Dance Kids game this year. Just Dance Kids 2014 will be packed with awesome tunes to groove to, and you can see the very first pictures of it in action below! The game will feature an all-new track list, with songs from cool groups like One […]

Skylanders Swap Force video shows off new characters
Skylanders Swap Force is shaping up to be one of the best games of the year. Andy from Family Gamer TV got to play the game at Gamescom in Germany (we’re so jealous!) and his video interview shows off the Winters Keep level of the game. In the interview with the game’s creators Guha Bala […]
Sonic Lost World Deadly Six Edition revealed
SEGA has announced a new special edition of Sonic Lost World. The Deadly Six Edition will feature special, more deadly additions, including a level based on the NiGHTs videogame. The trailer shows off the features available in both the normal and Deadly Six versions of Sonic Lost World, which included co-op and versus modes for […]
Pokémon Rumble U Samurott password revealed
Pokémon fans can now download Pokémon Rumble U from the Wii U eShop and buy the toys from GAME. However there are some Pokémon that you won’t be able to buy; you’ll need a password to unlock it. We have the password right here to unlock Samurott! Samurott is the final evolution of Oshawott, and […]
FIFA 14 Ultimate Team Legends on Xbox 360 and Xbox One
If you love old classic players from football history, then you’re definitely going to want to buy FIFA 14 on Xbox 360 or Xbox One. Exclusive to Xbox consoles will be Ultimate Team Legends mode, which lets you play as the best players from history. Revealed at Gamescom in Germany, FIFA 14’s producer David Rutter […]
FIFA 14 demo, co-op, and authentic stadiums reveals
EA Sports has been showing off more FIFA 14, and there’s plenty of features to make a noise about. Reveled in an EA presentation was a co-op mode to play with friends, the new stadiums in next-gen versions of the games, and news that your player stats will transfer from current-gen to next-gen if you […]
LEGO Marvel Super Heroes trailer is full of Super Villains
A new trailer for LEGO Marvel Super Heroes has been revealed, and it shows us the super villains we’ll have to defeat to save the city. They’re all led by Doctor Doom, who’s looking to cause havoc with his evil Doom Ray of Doom! Spotted in the trailer are Doctor Octopus, Magneto, Sandman, Arnim Zola, […]
Tearaway trailer gets crafty on Vita
Tearaway is coming to PlayStation Vita at the end of this year, and this new trailer shows how the games uses the Vita’s special features like touch control to make the game really special. The game is made by Media Molecule, who made LittleBigPlanet, and Tearaway shares some of the designs that made LBP so […]
Kinect Sports Rivals trailer explains the science of Kinect
The new Xbox One will come with a Kinect camera far more powerful than the Xbox 360 version. The people at development studio Rare have been using the new power of Kinect to make the best sports game yet. In this video they explain how the Kinect works, and why it makes their new game […]
Ratchet & Clank: Into The Nexus trailer shows off cool weapons
The Ratchet & Clank games are so cool because they have loads of really inventive guns that do awesome things to your enemies. The upcoming game is no exception, and the Winterizer looks the the best of the bunch. In the new trailer, Ratchet & Clank’s creative director Brian Allgeier introduces us to the Winterizer, […]

Skylanders Swap Force gameplay reveals Grilla Drilla
Activision has announced a new character coming to Skylanders Swap Force. Grilla Drilla is a gorilla-like character who attacks enemies with a massive drill. You can see him in action in the gameplay video below! The video from Family Gamer TV looks at how Grilla Drilla can attack from long or short ranges, using either […]
Xbox One pre-orders will come with free FIFA 14
If you’re looking to get a next-generation console for Christmas this year, Microsoft have announced a new deal that may make you choose an Xbox One over a PlayStation 4. If you pre-order an Xbox One in Europe, it will come with FIFA 14 for free. Microsoft announced the news at Gamescom, a big games […]
Disney Infinity trailer builds a house and blows it up
Disney Infinity has a cool build mode called Toy Box. In it you can build things using blocks, like you can in Minecraft. Just like Minecraft, there are TNT blocks, and they lead to some quite explosive results! Just watch the trailer and see… It looks really easy to build some great structures like a […]
Beyblade: Evolution will release this autumn
There hasn’t been a Beyblade game for over two years, but that’s all about to change. Beyblade: Evolution is being released on Nintendo 3DS this autumn, and there will be a special edition that contains a very rare Beyblade inside! Beyblade: Evolution will not only be an awesome new Beyblade game, but also links into […]
More Pokémon X & Y Mega forms revealed
Nintendo has announced three more Pokémon who will be able to Mega Evolve during battle in Pokémon X and Y on Nintendo 3DS. A new trailer shows them off. The Pokémon who will be able to Mega Evolve are Ampharos, Absol, and Mawile. Mega Ampharos will gain the powers of the Dragon type and be […]
The Wonderful 101 unite to defeat giant robots in new trailer
The Wonderful 101 is very close to release now, and to build your excitement even more there’s a new trailer showing how the team’s super powers combine to make incredible robot-bashing attacks. You can see in the trailer how by drawing different shapes on the Wii U Gamepad you can command the Wonderful 101 characters […]
PES 2014 trailers teach you the beautiful game
If you’re less of a FIFA guy and prefer a bit of Pro Evo instead, then this is the story for you. Konami have released three trailers for Pro Evolution Soccer 2014, each one teaching you a different part of the game. The first video looks at ball control, showing you how to get a […]