Finding the right game to buy isn’t always easy. Andy from Family Gamer TV has been looking for the best ways to find out what’s new and cool, and GAME Junior is a great help. In this video he chats to Ash from GAME to find out what the best games around are right now. […]
A World of Keflings coming to Wii U
A World of Keflings has been massive on Xbox 360, but it’s finally making the trip from Microsoft land to Nintendo world, as the game will be releasing on Wii U next month! As you can see in the trailer for the original Xbox version above, A World of Keflings lets you stomp about a […]
LittleBigPlanet 3 on PS3 and PS4 compared
LittleBigPlanet returns this Winter in a third game, full of amazing cut-and-stick worlds, sack boys and girls, and new colourful characters for us to meet and play as. The game is being released on both PS3 and PS4, but what is the difference? Let a lot, really! Take a look at this video to see […]
Camp Pokémon now on iOS
A brand new Pokémon game has appeared on the App Store for iPad and iPhone. It’s called Camp Pokémon, and it’s a cool set of mini-games that will help you become a skilled Pokémon Trainer! Camp Pokémon is free to download, and has six mini-games to play. There’s Pokéball throwing to help better your aim, spyglass hunting so […]
Get game smart with GAME Junior
If you’re looking for a new game, GAME Junior is the place to start. It’s a brand new thing at GAME, both in the shops and on the website, that help people under 12 years old pick the best games to play. Andy from Family Gamer TV has been getting involved, and here’s a video […]
Awesome Batmobile pulls up at LEGO Ideas
There are brand new and cool designs appearing on LEGO Ideas every day, but this is one of our favourites: a LEGO Batmobile! It’s made from 684 LEGO bricks (all black, of course!) and it needs your support to become a real LEGO set! This version of the Batmobile is from the Batman Arkham games, […]
Nintendo Direct will show Super Smash Bros. Wii U on Thursday
Nintendo are getting ready to reveal loads of new Super Smash Bros. Wii U features this week. You can discover them all in a very special Nintendo Direct video, coming this Thursday, 23rd October! The video, which will be available on Nintendo’s website at 3pm PDT/6pm Eastern time/10pm UK time, will reveal fifty new features […]
The Hobbit in 72 seconds, made of LEGO!
We’ve seen The Hobbit recreated in LEGO before, both in this cool trailer for the second film and the LEGO The Hobbit game. But this is a brand new LEGO film made from the Hobbit minifigures, which tells the whole story in just 72 seconds! Instead of telling the same stories as the three films, […]
Minecraft Movie may have a director!
It looks like the Minecraft movie is finally getting a move on, with Warner Bros. – the company making the film – talking to the director of Night at the Museum to see if he’d like to be in charge of making the movie of Mojang’s huge game. Shawn Levy, who has directed Night at […]
Get coding with Doctor Who!
The Doctor is heading into danger again, but this time it’s not just in an episode of Doctor Who. The Doctor and the Dalek is a new game coming to the CBBC website, that teams the Doctor up with one of his arch enemies to help defeat evil. But how will the Doctor succeed? Using […]
LittleBigPlanet recreated in Project Spark
Project Spark is the new game on Xbox One and Windows 8 PCs that lets you build your own games. So it seems really fun that one of the first games to be made in Project Spark since its full release is a recreation of LittleBigPlanet, the PlayStation game that lets you make your own […]
Let’s Play Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire demo
Pokémon Omega Ruby & Alpha Sapphire updates the old Game Boy Ruby and Sapphire games into brand new experiences with the cool graphics of Pokémon X & Y. We’ve seen lots of trailers, but Family Gamer TV have finally played the game. You can see all their adventures in the new demo in this video. In this […]
Ultimate NES Remix hits 3DS
Ultimate NES Remix has been a big hit on Wii U, and now it’s coming to handheld on 3DS. The game takes a bunch of old classic games from the first generation of Nintendo consoles and mixes them up for a cool and unique game experience. Games included in the pack are Balloon Fight, Donkey […]
New Super Smash Bros. mode coming to Wii U?
Super Smash Bros. is now out on 3DS, but there’s still things we don’t know about the Wii U version, which comes out this December. The game’s creator Masahiro Sakurai has put a picture on MiiVerse that teases new modes for the Wii U version. These two new modes are for solo play. They have […]
Incredible steampunk LEGO Millenium Falcon
Now this is how you do a Star Wars LEGO project. This huge Millenium Falcon is the winner of From Bricks to Bothans big LEGO competition, and it’s a steampunk version of Han Solo’s famous ship. The recreation is full of little details, some which you’ll know from the films, and some others that help […]
iPhone built in Minecraft!
You know someone is super talented at Minecraft when they can make something as awesome as this. It’s an Apple iPhone, and it even works! Check it out in action in this video. So yeah, the phone can’t call or text, but it can do lots of things that the real iPhone can. The home […]
Pokémon’s latest Mega Evolutions spotted in trailer
Yesterday we spotted that Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire were getting four new very cool Mega Evolutions. However, we hadn’t seen any photos or video of them. Today that changes, as we get our first look at Mega Latios and Mega Latias in action. Mega Latios and Latias are really useful Pokémon, as they […]
LEGO Land Rover Discovery 3 is awesome
If you love cool cars, then this a cool LEGO build you’ll love. It’s the Land Rover Discovery 3, built in perfect detail by Andrej Kuzmin. Take a look at these photos to see all the amazing angles. The roof can be taken off so you can get a good look inside at the seats […]
Peggle 2 now on PS4
Great news Peggle fans, Peggle 2 is now on PlayStation 4. The game used to be an Xbox One exclusive, but it’s now available to players who have PlayStation consoles. Peggle 2 is an amazing game, so it’s great to see it on PS4. It means lots more people will be able to play and […]
Even more new Mega Pokémon evolutions coming
Pokémon Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire will add so much new stuff to the Pokémon world it will probably burst. That list of things grew even bigger this week with announcement of FOUR new Mega Evolution Pokémon. Adding to the already huge roster of Mega Evolution Pokémon will be Latios, Latias, Beedrill, and Pidgeot. We don’t know much […]
A guide to Disney Infinity 2.0
If you’ve been a bit confused by the new Disney Infinity game, you need a quick guide to run you through all the big facts and help you decide if it’s the game for you. Thankfully Family Gamer TV have this swift 2 minute guide to help you out. Disney Infinity 2.0 introduces the Marvel […]
Minecraft: Pocket Edition coming to Windows phone
If you use a Windows phone instead of an iPhone or Android phone, you’ve been left out when it comes to Minecraft. Whilst people with other phones have been able to enjoy the Pocket Edition to keep building on the go, Windows phone users have had to wait until they get home to play Minecraft […]
LEGO Batman 3 gets Arrow DLC
Hot on the heels of the announcement that LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham would be getting some cool DLC featuring Batman of the Future, more news comes about other characters coming in new DLC. Traveler’s Tales have revealed that an Arrow DLC pack will be coming out for the game, featuring the hooded hero himself: […]

Let’s Play Skylanders Trap Team’s Hub World
Skylanders Trap Team is finally here! You could be playing it right now! If you’ve not got the game yet but are desperate for a new look at the game, you can get some unseen Trap Team gameplay right here on BoxMash. Family Gamer TV have got to play loads of levels from the game […]
Jurassic World LEGO sets are coming…
STOMP! STOMP! STOMP! What’s that we can hear? It’s the massive footsteps of a dinosaur, stomping it’s way towards us. It’ll be here next year, in the form of the amazing movie Jurassic World, a new film in the Jurassic Park series. It’s starring Chris Pratt, who was Star Lord in Guardians of the Galaxy […]
Win a subscription to 110% Gaming
You love reading about games, right? Of course you do, you’re reading BoxMash! But what about when you’re not on the internet, what do you do then? If you need to keep reading when there’s no wi-fi or 3G around, you need a cool gaming magazine. That’s what 110% Gaming is, and you could win […]
More Amiibo figures releasing for Christmas
The first wave of Amiibo figures – including favourites like Mario, Link, and Star Fox – will hit shops November 28th. But before the year is even finished, a second wave of Amiibo figures will be hitting the shelves. This second set of toys will feature Zelda, Diddy Kong, Luigi, Little Mac, Pit and Captain Falcon. […]

Let’s Play Skylanders Trap Team chapter 15
Skylanders Trap Team is just a day away, and as you wish away the hours until it’s here you can see brand new, unseen Trap Team gameplay right here on BoxMash. Family Gamer TV have got to play loads of levels from the game at EGX last weekend, and every day you can watch a […]
Next LEGO Minecraft sets revealed
LEGO have decided that Minecraft is the way forward, which means we’ll be getting some amazing LEGO Minecraft sets soon. We already knew about The Cave and The Farm, but thanks to some new details we now know what’s inside all six new sets. The six new sets are The Cave, The Farm, The Mine, […]
Catch up with Kingdom Hearts 2.5 in new ReMIX trailer
There’s a lot going on the the world of Kingdom Hearts, so you may need to have a lesson in history before the next game comes out. If it’s been a while since you last played, don’t worry: this new trailer for Kingdom Hearts 2.5 ReMIX will tell you everything you need to know before […]