With the next-gen versions of Minecraft safely settled on PS4 and Xbox One, only the Vita is left needing a slice of the Mojang pie. Thankfully the wait is almost over, as 4J Studios has revealed that Minecraft: PS Vita edition will be released on October 15th. The date is for Europe only, so people […]

Let’s Play Skylanders Trap Team chapter 14
Skylanders Trap Team is just days away, and as you wish away the hours until it’s here you can see brand new, unseen Trap Team gameplay right here on BoxMash. Family Gamer TV have got to play loads of levels from the game at EGX last weekend, and every day you can watch a new […]
Batman from the Future lands in LEGO Batman 3 screenshots
A very cool Dark Knight is coming to LEGO Batman 3 if you buy on PS3 or PS4: Terry McGinnis, the star of the Batman Beyond cartoons and comics. This Batman of the Future will be part of a special PlayStation exclusive DLC, and you can finally see what it looks like in these new […]
Super Smash Bros. Wii U releases December
After months of waiting we finally know when Super Smash Bros. will release on Wii U. The date you need to know is December 5th. Of course, the date does depend on where you live. If like BoxMash you live in the UK, December 5th is the date you need to know, as that is […]
Disney Infinity 2.0 is now on PC
Disney Infinity is on almost any platform you can think of, from Wii U to PS3. But now Disney are adding another to the list: PC. If you don’t have a console, you can now play Disney Infinity 2.0 on your computer or your laptop. The PC version of Disney Infinity 2.0 is a little […]
Check out what’s inside Project Spark Starter Pack
Now Project Spark is out of beta, it’s going to be available to download on Xbox One and Windows 8 for everyone. The game is free, but if you wan’t to get loads of new stuff for the game quickly, you can buy a Starter Pack on disc. What’s inside? Check out this video to […]

Skylanders Trap Team review
Skylanders Trap Team is finally out in the wild. The game has been released in America and Australia, and will soon be jumping over to Europe and the UK on Friday. But is it a great game? Andy from Family Gamer TV has been playing Trap Team and checking out all the amazing figures to […]
New LEGO Star Wars Slave I ship is incredible
There’s a brand new LEGO Star Wars kit zooming in soon, and it’s a very special one. Everyone’s favourite bounty hunter Boba Fett has the coolest ship in the galaxy, and that’s exactly what this kit it: Slave I. At 1,995 pieces it’s a real complex LEGO kit, but that means it’s packed full of […]
Team Up in Angry Birds Transformers
After playing through some of the early levels in the first hands-on video, Wes from Family Gamer TV is now a lot further through Angry Birds Transformers. Things are getting tougher though, and it looks like he may need a hand from another Transformer if he’s going to make it through alive… It looks like […]

Unboxing Skylanders Trap Team
The very coolest thing about Skylanders are the amazing figures that you use to select your characters with. Trap Team makes the selection of heroes and figures even bigger, introducing Trap Masters, Minis, new core Skylanders, and actual trap crystals. The starter pack comes two brand new Skylanders, and Wave 1 of the figures is […]

Let’s Play Skylanders Trap Team chapter 13
Skylanders Trap Team is just weeks away, and as you wish away the days until it’s here you can see brand new, unseen Trap Team gameplay right here on BoxMash. Family Gamer TV have got to play loads of levels from the game at EGX last weekend, and every day you can watch a new […]
Project Spark is out of beta, full release next week
Project Spark has finally finished its beta testing and is now totally ready to be played. This means the beta you may have been playing is now over, and the full game will be released next week! Project Spark’s developer Team Dakota made the announcement today, where they said that the full version of Project […]
Pokémon gets a third new legendary: Rayquaza
Every Pokémon game has it’s own collection of super-rare Pokémon known as Legendaries, and Omega Ruby and Alpha Sapphire won’t be missing out either. The newest addition is Rayquazza, who will join Groudon and Kyogre to make the legendary three. Rayquaza is somehow connected with the mysteries of Mega Evolution. Now its Mega-Evolved appearance has been revealed […]

Let’s Play Skylanders Trap Team chapter 12
Skylanders Trap Team is just weeks away, and as you wish away the days until it’s here you can see brand new, unseen Trap Team gameplay right here on BoxMash. Family Gamer TV have got to play loads of levels from the game at EGX last weekend, and every day you can watch a new […]
Doctor Who lands in Minecraft this Friday
Big Minecraft and Doctor Who fans will already know that The Doctor and Clara are heading to Minecraft Xbox 360, but their TARDIS computer didn’t know what date they were landing. Well, it turns out it’s very soon, as the Doctor Who skin pack will be touching down on Xbox 360s tomorrow! The Doctor Who […]
You can play Minecraft on a watch!
If we could, we’d probably play Minecraft everywhere. YouTuber Corbin Davenport has the same idea as us, but the place he wan’t to play Minecraft isn’t in a park or on the train, but on his wrist! He’s got Minecraft running on a watch, and it plays just like the game you know and love. […]
New Sims 4 update adds Star Wars costumes and ghosts
If you check Origin on your PC right now, you’ll see that The Sims 4 has been updated. This new update not only fixes bugs and makes the game work better like patches normally do, but also adds some cool new things to the game. And they’re very cool indeed: Star Wars costumes and ghosts! […]

Let’s Play Skylanders Trap Team chapter 11
Skylanders Trap Team is just weeks away, and as you wish away the days until it’s here you can see brand new, unseen Trap Team gameplay right here on BoxMash. Family Gamer TV have got to play loads of levels from the game at EGX last weekend, and every day you can watch a new […]
Crazy New 3DS advert dresses up
Nintendo has released a crazy new TV advert for the New 3DS in Japan, and it gives us a good clue to one of the consoles new features. Take a look! The advert shows all your favourite Nintendo characters dressing up, but it’s the console itself that you’ll be putting in a new costume. It […]
See awesome results from Minecraft’s world generator
When the big 1.8 patch for Minecraft PC came earlier this month a brand new feature was added called Customised Worlds. This lets you change literally everything about the world you are about to make. There are lots of things to change, but what do they all do? This video will show you just what […]

Skylanders Trap Team will have Sun and Moon elements
Often when a new Skylanders game comes out there are new elements to play around with. For Trap Team, we have wondered since the day it was revealed if there would be a ‘dark’ element, as the trap for Kaos was black in colour. Over the months Family Gamer TV have wondered if there would […]
Cool free stuff coming to Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare
If you play Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare on Xbox, PlayStation, or PC, you’ve got a nice suprise on its way: brand new stuff is coming as part of the Legends of the Lawn update, and it’s all free! Plants vs Zombies: Garden Warfare – Legends of the Lawn adds seven new character variants, a […]
Funny glitch in Super Smash Bros. makes characters giant!
While we have to wait until the end of the week to get our hands on Super Smash Bros, fans in Japan are already playing. Some videos have hit the internet, and it turns out that Japanese players have discovered quite a funny glitch in the game that causes some characters to grow to huge […]
The Pokemon Trading Card Game is now on iPad
Finally: a Pokemon game on your iPad! The cool Pokemon Trading Card Game is now available to download from the App Store, which means you can battle foes and build your amazing collection of fighting monsters anywhere you are! The Pokemon Trading Card Game Online used to be only on PCs, but this new […]

Let’s Play Skylanders Trap Team chapters 7 & 8
We’ve had loads of great games this year, but the best is still to come. Skylanders Trap Team looks like once again it could be our Game of the Year, with its cool addition of traps and playable villains. Wes and Andy from Family Gamer TV have been playing the game at EGX in London […]

Huge Skylanders Trap Team video reveals new villains
We knew Skylanders Trap Team was going to be huge, but we thought by now we’d know almost everything we’d need to know. Turns out there are a lot more secrets than we ever could have known, and at EGX this weekend Family Gamer TV has cracked a few mysteries thanks to hundreds of family […]
Let’s Play Phonics Fun with Biff, Chip & Kipper
Have you read any of the Biff, Chip & Kipper books? They’re really fun, but you know what would be more fun? Seeing these great characters in a videogame! Phonics Fun with Biff, Chip & Kipper is a 3DS game that will help you with your reading. Andy from Family Gamer TV took a look […]
Super Smash Bros. 3DS demo hands-on
Super Smash Bros. releases on Nintendo 3DS this week! Wes from Family Gamer TV has been playing the demo in preparation, and has a few gameplay tips for you, as well as all the information you could need about the characters and the cool new Amiibo figures that will work with the game. The new […]
Link can ride Epona in upcoming Hyrule Warriors DLC
Hyrule Warriors is out in the wild now, so you may have been playing it on your Wii U for a few days now. If you’ve been playing as Link and missing his trusty horse Epona, then don’t worry: she’s galloping into the game soon as part of a new DLC pack. On October 16th […]
Batman of the Future coming to LEGO Batman 3
If you live in Europe and are picking up LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham this November, buying it on PS3 or PS4 will give you a very special DLC pack for free: Batman of the Future. Based on the Batman Beyond cartoons, you’ll be able to play as the futuristic Batman, as well as some […]