LittleBigPlanet is heading back to the PS Vita in a new package that injects the game with a big dose of superhero power! The LittleBigPlanet Vita Marvel Super Hero Edition is the original game you know and love, but bundled up with Marvel-themed costumes and games. The game will come with three mini games all […]
Falcon and Yondu join the Disney Infinity 2.0 team
The cast of characters for Disney Infinity 2.0 is growing almost every week. Today we can add another two members to the team: Yondu and Falcon, two Marvel characters from some of the most recent films. Both characters will have figures and in-game abilities. Yondu will be part of the Guardians of the Galaxy, whilst […]
Dark Pit and Ganondorf confirmed for Super Smash Bros. 3DS
Last month some screenshots appeared on the internet that seemed to reveal that a few interesting characters were going to be in Super Smash Bros. We now know that these pictures were spot on. Thanks to a Japanese Twitch user called Hamayama, today we got to see a lot of the game in action, and […]
Let’s play the FIFA 15 demo
If you jump onto the download store of your console (PS3, PS4, Xbox 360, Xbox One) or log onto Origin on your PC right now, you’ll be able to download and play the demo of FIFA 15, the next big football game from EA Sports. That’s exactly what Adam from Family Gamer TV has been […]
FIFA 15 PS Vita bundle is heading to Europe
If you’re looking to pick up a PS Vita soon, you may want to take a look at this new FIFA bundle. For a great price you’ll be able to get a PS Vita and FIFA 15. The PS Vita included is the 2000 series, the new slimmer model with more rounded corners. The pack […]
LEGO Batman 3 will have a DLC Season Pass
LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham swoops into town on November 14th, and for the first time ever a LEGO game is getting a Season Pass. This pass will let you download all of the DLC packs when they launch, and will cost less than buying the DLC on their own. The DLC packs are worth […]
iOS App of the Day: Ingress
Games don’t all have to be about winning battles and completing missions on your touchscreen. They can mix up lots of different things; even doing things outside in the real world! Ingress is an Augmented Reality game; an app that need you to go out and complete missions in the real world to increase your […]
Brand new levels come to Doctor Who: Legacy
Doctor Who is back on our TV screens in a brand new series with the new Twelfth Doctor, Peter Capaldi! This is the perfect excuse to get back into Doctor Who: Legacy, one of the best games on the iOS App Store. Even better, new levels are being added every week that tie into the […]
Nintendo will show off Super Smash Bros. 3DS on Friday
Nintendo has revealed on Twitter that it will be streaming the 3DS version of Super Smash Bros. on Twitch this Friday, September 12th. This will be the first time we’ve truly been able to see the 3DS version of the game in action, so don’t miss this stream! Join us for Nintendo Treehouse: Live @ […]
Realistic goalies are coming to FIFA 15
It looks like goalkeepers are getting a lot of love from the EA Sports team in FIFA 15. We’ve already seen them in action before, but goalies are back as the focus of this new trailer, which shows off how much more realistic they are in this new game. Featured in the trailer is Everton […]
New Disney Infinity 2.0 trailer brings the carnage
Disney have made a brand new trailer for Disney Infinity 2.0 showing our favouirte Marvel super heroes taking a walk through New York City. Naturally there’s lots of chaos going on as super villains turn up to ruin the day, but the heroes take it in their stride. It’s all under control when Iron Man, […]
How to transfer your world to Minecraft Xbox One edition
If you’ve been playing Minecraft for a long time, you probably have amazing worlds on your Xbox 360 that you wouldn’t want to lose. If you’re upgrading to Minecraft on next-gen don’t worry: you can transfer your worlds from your Xbox 360 to your Xbox One really easily, and then just carry on building your […]

Take a look at Skylanders Trap Team figures waves 1 & 2
With Skylanders Trap Team on the way in October, it won’t be long until the waves of new Skylander figures will be on the way. Wes from Family Gamer TV has been investigating what the new figures will be, and has searched on lots of fan websites and other areas of the internet to discover […]
Minecraft PS4 review: building on next-gen
Minecraft is finally out on next-gen platforms! Jordan from Family Gamer TV has been getting to grips with the PlayStation 4 version, which features some great split screen play and also allows you to remotely play the game on your PS Vita. Check out this video to see how she got on with the first […]
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: Danger of the Ooze revealed
The Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles are diving into action in a new game for PS3, Xbox 360, and 3DS this autumn. TMNT: Danger of the Ooze is a side-scrolling beat-em-up where you’ll be able to play as your favourite characters from the Nickelodeon TV show. These screenshots give us our first glimpse at the game, […]
Check out this castle made by a 3D printer!
3D printers are pretty amazing. They turn designs drawn on computers into actual models by building them up layer by layer. Normally each layer is made of melted plastic, but Andrey Kudenko has a different kind of 3D printer. This one prints with concrete, and he’s used it to print a castle! The castle is […]
Mario Kart 8 DLC will add Zelda, Animal Crossing, and F-ZERO items
Mario Kart 8 is receiving some special DLC over the next few months that Nintendo fans will find exciting. Wes from Family Gamer TV has been looking at the upcoming Zelda and Animal Crossing DLC packs to see what they will add to the already packed Mario Kart 8. First up in November is the […]
Run Sackboy, Run! coming to PS Vita and mobiles
It looks like Sackboy has jumped out of LittleBigPlanet and onto mobile phones and tablets! A brand new game called Run Sackboy, Run! is coming to iOS and Android this October, and it’s a running game that sees Sackboy sprinting away from an evil hoover! Run Sackboy, Run! will be a free-to-play app, with a […]
Nintendo Amiibo figures get priced
If you love your Toys-2-Life games, then you’ll be really interesting in Amiibo, Nintendo’s upcoming version of the kind of games that Skylanders and Disney Infinity are already amazing at. Amiibo is a little different, but you’ll still be using toys of your favouite Nintendo characters in your games. Nintendo has now announced how much […]
Let’s Play Angry Birds Stella
Just last week the big mystery of Angry Birds Stella was uncovered: just what kind of game is it? The new trailer for the game revealed it’s a lot like traditional Angry Birds, but there was only a tiny little piece of gameplay video in the trailer. Thankfully Andy from Family Gamer TV has been […]
Families try out the Spider-Man Disney Infinity Play Set
When Disney Infinity 2.0 launches this month, you’ll be able to get your hands on three awesome Play Sets: The Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Ultimate Spider-Man. Wes from Family Gamer has been looking at the Spider-Man Play Set and seeing how several different combos of dads and sons got on playing the game. […]
Minecraft next-gen is out this week!
They’re finally here: the next-gen versions of Minecraft for PS4 and Xbox One are releasing this week. Both versions were supposed to be out in August, but were delayed after 4J Studios had problems getting the PS4 version to be approved by Sony. But now all the problems are solved, and the game can be […]

Skylanders Eon’s Elite will cost £25.99 each
Alongside the Trap Masters and Skylanders Minis, a third new kind of hero is coming to Skylanders Trap Team: Eon’s Elite. These Skylanders have special metallic paint-jobs and are much stronger than normal Skylanders, but they’ll come at a price! At £25.99 each, they’re almost three times the price of a normal Skylander which costs […]
iOS App of the Day: Rush Horizon
Rush Horizon is a racing game without all the extra bits you don’t need. It’s you, the car, and the road, and all that’s getting in your way are other drivers. Well, other drivers and your fuel. Will you make it to the finish line before fuel runs out? Only playing Rush Horizon will reveal […]
Massive new Minecraft update brings rabbits and slime
For the last 300 days, the team at Mojang have been busy creating Minecraft PC version 1.8, also known as the Bountiful Update. It’s jam-packed full of amazing new things, some which you’ll be able to see, and other you can’t. But it all comes together to make the biggest, best update we’ve seen for […]

Cuckoo Clocker revealed as new Skylanders villain
Skylanders Trap Team puts a lot of focus on the villains of the game, who you can trap in special keys and then unleash on your enemies when you need them most. We’ve seen a small few of them, but not as many as we expect to see in the full game. But now we […]
iOS App of the Day: Shattered Planet
Are you ready to go to the planet surface, captain? The mission’s dangerous, and monsters lurk behind every corner, but we need to complete it. For science. So if you’re ready Captain, just get started with Shattered Planet: a really cool app about space, exploration, and survival! Shattered Planet is an RPG where you and […]
All the big facts on The Sims 4
It’s been a while five years since the last The Sims game, so it’s about time that we had a new one. Thankfully The Sims 4 is just around the corner, so we don’t have long to wait until we can start building houses and relationships again. Jordan from Family Gamer TV is here to […]
Doctor Who skins are warping into Minecraft
There have been lots of brilliant skin packs for Minecraft 360 edition over the years, but this may be the most exciting one yet: Doctor Who is landing the TARDIS in Minecraft, and all his biggest adversaries are following too. The pack will include a model of the current Twelfth Doctor (Peter Capaldi), as […]
Angry Birds Stella gameplay revealed
So far Angry Birds Stella has been a bit of a mystery. There have been trailers and posters, but none of them have revealed what kind of game it is. A traditional catapult game like the first Angry Birds, or something more adventurous like Angry Birds Epic? Family Gamer TV have finally got to take […]