LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham releases on consoles and PC this November, and to mark this big occasion DC are doing something pretty awesome: 22 of their comics will be printed with variant LEGO-themed covers!
The 22 comic issues with the special artwork will be: Action Comics #36, Aquaman #36, Batgirl #36, Batman #36, Batman & Robin #36, Batman/Superman #36, Catwoman #36, Detective Comics #36, Grayson #4,
Green Lantern #36, Green Lantern Corps #36, Harley Quinn #12, Justice League #36, Justice League Dark #36, Justice League United #6, Sinestro #7, Supergirl #36, Superman #36, Superman/Wonder Woman #13, Teen Titans #4, The Flash #36, and Wonder Woman #36. You’ll be able to buy them all from comic book shops in November or websites like Forbidden Planet.
For more awesome LEGO Batman stuff, check out our videos and previews in our collection of LEGO Batman 3: Beyond Gotham stories.