When Disney Infinity 2.0 launches this month, you’ll be able to get your hands on three awesome Play Sets: The Avengers, Guardians of the Galaxy, and Ultimate Spider-Man. Wes from Family Gamer has been looking at the Spider-Man Play Set and seeing how several different combos of dads and sons got on playing the game. Check them out in this cool new video.
As you can see, some teams we’re really great as playing as Spidey, while some others took longer to get through the mission. Do you think you’ll take to web-slinging like a natural, or will you need to take your time with the game?
Get excited: the Disney Infinity 2.0 release date is September 19th, just a few weeks away. For all the details, screenshots, and videos of the game, check out our Disney Infinity channel. If you loved this video, follow us on Twitter for loads more amazing stories and gameplay footage, and subscribe to Family Gamer TV on YouTube.