If you?re looking for the most fun you can have with a PS Vita, then the answer is right under your nose, you just can?t see it yet! Invizimals are invisible creatures hiding everywhere in the real world – in your bedroom, on the bus, at your school – but the only way you can see them is by using a PS Vita! Check out this trailer for Invizimals: The Alliance to see how it works.
How awesome does that look? We love the Pok?mon games, but this is like those games set in our world. Like Pok?mon, Invizimals can battle and evolve, but capturing them is a much more tricky skill since you must defeat them in unique challenges.
The Invizimals appear in our world thanks to ?augmented reality?, where PS Vita can show computer game characters on the screen, but in our world which it sees through the camera. It makes the game so realistic, but a super-cool version of real because of the amazing Invizimals bouncing around your own house. You don?t have to stay in the real world though. You can battle with Invizimals in their world on PS Vita. Or, if you fancy it, take a trip to their world yourself?.
In Invizimals: The Lost Kingdom on PS3, you can explore the Invizimal?s world as Hiro, a boy who can transform into different Invizimals to help him solve all kinds of problems and battle his way through evil enemies. The game is a little like Skylanders, but instead of using different Skylander toys, you transform Hiro into different Invizimals with amazing powers and abilities.
There are over 150 different Invizimals to capture in Invizimals: The Alliance, and they all have different elemental powers, like Ice, Fire, Desert, and Jungle. Different elements types are strong against others, so you must pick which Invizimal you use in battle carefully.
Both Invizimals: The Alliance on PS Vita and Invizimals: The Lost Kingdom on PS3 are available to buy now, so you can get hunting straight away. They?re Cross-Play too, so PS Vita players can link up with PS3 players and battle with their Invizmals in amazing four-player duels, and even trade their Invizimals. Awesome!