Check out this for an amazing Minecraft build: the whole of Hyrule from The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time! Minecrafter Kezsonaj has spent the last six months building it, and it looks amazing.
Kezsonaj hasn’t said how many blocks were used to build his amazing project, but it does cover the whole of Hyrule, both before and after the destruction. Everything is incredibly detailed, from the Great Deku Tree to the pots inside the buildings.
This isn’t the only version of Hyrule Kezsonaj has made. He’s also almost finished Hyrule from Twilight Princess, and is also working on Majora’s Mask and Wind Waker versions. When he’s finished all four, he’ll combine them into a mega Minecraft Hyrule sever. Amazing!
If you want to play on the Hyrule Minecraft map, keep an eye on these forums. Kezsonaj will be posting the link for download later this week.