iOS App of the Day: Doctor Who Legacy

iOS App of the Day: Doctor Who Legacy

Welcome to BoxMash’s new iOS App of the Day! Every day we will be bringing you new and cool games from the Apple App Store that we think you should play. Best of all, every game we recommend will be free to download. Today we’re looking at the awesome Doctor Who: Legacy from Tiny Rebel Games.

Doctor Who Legacy

Doctor Who: Legacy is a bit like Candy Crush and other games where you must match three colours together, but this time with a new, timey-wimey twist! Matching colours together allows you to attack the Doctor’s biggest villains in a battle system a little bit like Pokémon. Over the game you’ll be able to collect new characters to join your team, including Amy and Rory, River, Clara, and even Straxx! Each character you recruit to your team will have different abilities and help you and The Doctor out in your adventures.

There are lots of different adventures to play, all based on episodes of the TV show. Best of all, every new adventure that is released you can play for free! There’s nothing holding you back from playing Doctor Who: Legacy right now, so why don’t you try it out? Just search for Doctor Who Legacy on your iPhone or iPad on the App Store and you’ll be able to download and play in just a few minutes. Allons-y!


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