Kinect 2.0 on Xbox One is a really amazing piece of technology, and is so accurate it can pick up tiny movements in your individual fingers. Kinect Sports Rivals pushes the Kinect 2.0 to its very limits and sees just how powerful it is. Andy from Family Gamer TV tested the game out at developer Rare’s studios, and sat down with Executive Producer Danny Isaac to talk about the game.
Danny talked about how the Kinect was much more powerful than the 360 version, but that even with the amazing new sensor there could sometimes be problems. This is because everyone moves in slightly different ways, and sometimes the Kinect can’t understand if you move very differently to what it is used to. It’s a problem that is easily solved though: if you move in exactly the way the game tells you to in the instructions, you shouldn’t have any problem at all!
Check out some amazing videos of Kinect Sports Rivals in action, and an interview with Rare’s studio head Craig Duncan, who thinks Kinect Sports Rivals is the perfect family game.
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