Skylanders Trap Team is just weeks away, and as you wish away the days until it’s here you can see brand new, unseen Trap Team gameplay right here on BoxMash. Family Gamer TV have got to play loads of levels from the game at EGX last weekend, and every day you can watch a new level.
Today Andy and Wes have a look at the Wilikin Workshop level and work their way through trapping some new villains and giving the enemies a run for their money.
In this level they trap Scrap Shooter and Dr Krankcase and encounter a whole load of new enemies and take on some lock puzzles. There’s also a sighting of Bat Spin’s Soul Gem!
Check back every day for some amazing new Skylanders Trap Team levels at the Skylanders channel. The Skylanders Trap Team release date is October 10th on Wii, Wii U, Xbox 360, Xbox One, PS3, PS4, 3DS, and tablets. Keep tuned to BoxMash and Family Gamer TV for the next two weeks as we bring you more amazing gameplay from Trap Team as we run up the road to release!