If you’ve got a PlayStation 3, you probably want to play Minecraft. That’s fine if you have your PlayStation connected to the internet, but if you don’t there’s a problem: you can’t buy Minecraft in shops, you can only download it from the PS Store. That’s going to change though, since Minecraft PlayStation 3 edition is getting a ‘physical’, disc release.
When you can buy a game from a shop we call it a ‘physical’ release because it’s something you can hold in your hands. Minecraft for PS3 will be getting a physical release next month, on 14th May. You can see what the box will look like in the picture above.
You’ll also notice in the picture that there are boxes for the PS4 and PS Vita versions of the game. These versions are not out yet, but it looks like when Minecraft releases on PS4 and PS Vita, you’ll be able to buy it from a shop as well as download it from the PS Store.
Would you rather have a box to add to your collection, or just download it straight to your PlayStation without having to go to a shop and buy it? Let us know in the comments! And don’t forget to check out more Minecraft stories in our Minecraft channel.