Hear ye, hear ye, gather round quick, for there’s some exciting news in the Skylands, and it’s the news you’ve all been waiting for! A new portal of power is about to be revealed! For months Activision, the makers of Skylanders, have been pretty hush hush on giving out information on their next game, but now there’s no more waiting and speculating! Activision has announced it’s going to reveal all about the upcoming Skylanders game on the 23rd of this month at a special Skylanders event. Check out the awesome invitation sent out for the event below:
Activision is holding this media event in New York City on April 23rd to show us the latest game. The invitation above is personalised to Brian Crecente and shows a cool personal video message featuring two of the opposing forces in the Skylanders universe: Eon and Kaos, who each invite Brian to the event in their own way.
All we know about the new game so far is that it is being made by team Toys for Bob, the people who also created Skylanders: Spyro’s Adventure and Skylanders: Giants. Activision also said that new figures for the game will be released in a staggered way rather than in large waves as they usually do, so you can expect less new toys coming out at once, but new toys more often.
Make sure to visit BoxMash on the 23rd so we can let you know all the details about the new Skylanders game when they are revealed! What are you hoping they are going to announce? Do you want more figures of old characters like Spyro, or more new characters? Let us know below! Impatient for the new game and want more Skylanders stuff now? Why not join GAME Stores new Skylanders Swap Force Club?