Mega Evolution is a super exciting new feature that has been revealed for Pokémon X and Y. Now certain Pokémon, such as Mewtwo, Blaziken and Lucario will be able to evolve during battle into new, stronger forms.
To evolve a Pokémon into their Mega form, you must have a special Mega Stone and use it during battle. Each Pokémon will have a unique Mega Stone, so you cant make a Mega Lucario if you only have the Mega Stone for Mewtwo. The secret to Mega Evolution is closely guarded by Korrina, the leader at Shalour City Gym. You’ll have to defeat her to learn the how to use this incredible power!

Mega Evolution needs a Mega Stone, and only happens in battle. When Mega Mewtwo goes back in the Pokéball he’ll become a normal Mewtwo again
Are you as excited as we are for these new Mega Evolutions? What other Pokémon do you hope will be able to evolve to bigger, more powerful forms? Can you send us a tweet using the word ‘mega’ as much as we have in this story? Give it a go, just click the Twitter button below!