One of our most anticipated games is finally here! Scribblenauts Unmaksed is now available to buy. To convince you it’s totally worth getting, this new trailer is full of DC superheroes, super villains and plenty of creative scribbles.
If you’ve not played a Scribblenauts game before, this is a good place to start. You play as our hero Maxwell, who can scribble down the name of (almost) anything you can think of, and make it appear in the game. In Scribblenauts Unmasked you can write down the name of any hero or item from the DC comic universe, and they will appear to help you out. And if you can’t think of a hero that can help, you just have to use the Hero Creator to make one who will!
The game will visit lots of cool places from the comics like Gotham and Metropolis, and let you drive the Batmobile! If the trailer has helped you make up your mind, Scribblenauts Unmasked is available on Nintendo Wii U, 3DS and the PC right now!