Activision has announced a new character coming to Skylanders Swap Force. Grilla Drilla is a gorilla-like character who attacks enemies with a massive drill. You can see him in action in the gameplay video below!
The video from Family Gamer TV looks at how Grilla Drilla can attack from long or short ranges, using either his fists, his big drill, or even a group of angry monkeys! He looks amazing when he drops into the game, with his suit crashing down to earth before Grilla himself falls down into it. Check out the figure below, it looks really detailed.

The Grilla Drilla figure is amazingly detailed, and is posed with the drill suit closed and ready to dig!
We agree with Family Gamer TV’s Andy that Grilla Drilla is a must-have Skylander. Do you think so too? Tell us if you’ll be picking him up when he’s released in a tweet. And remember, Skylanders Swap Force release date is October 18th, and Grilla Drilla is just one of sixteen new Skylanders!