What was your favourite game of the year? That’s what our friends at Family Gamer TV want to know. And if you tell them, you could win an amazing bundle of prizes including Beyblade, Disney Infinity, and Skylanders figures! To be in with a chance of winning these, take a look at what you need to do below.
First you need to go to Family Gamer TV new and awesome website. There you’ll be able to vote for the best game in each category. Family Gamer TV’s categories are done in age ranges, so if you haven’t played games from some of the sections then you could ask family members younger and older than you to vote which game they thought was best.
When you’ve decided which games from the seven categories you want to vote for, just click on them to put your choice in, and then Tweet and send a Facebook message to Family Gamer TV so they can see that you’ve voted and mark you down for the competition. Then you just have to sit back and wait for the winners to be announced! Until then, follow us on Twitter for loads more amazing stories and gameplay footage, and subscribe to Family Gamer TV on YouTube.